Norfolk Hunt

Norfolk Hunt - Medfield

May 25 & 26, 2024

Childrens Hunter Horse
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Dragonfly Nip-N-Tuck 0.00
Reserve Lemontree Luxury 0.00
Pre-Children's Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Smooth Criminal 0.00
Reserve Vespa 0.00
Short Stirrup Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Cherish The Moment 0.00
Reserve Wingardium Leviosa 0.00
Low Adult Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Challenge Z 0.00
Reserve Jacky Chan 0.00
Walk Trot Pleasure 10/U (Hunter)
  Horse Owner Points
Champion This Devil Wears Prada 0.00
Champion This Devil Wears Prada 0.00
Reserve India 0.00
Reserve India 0.00
Champion Miss Mayflower 0.00
Champion Killy Gordons Giddy Up 0.00
Champion Steel Magnolia 0.00
Champion Carrot Cake 0.00
Champion Justin Time 0.00
Hunter Pleasure
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Extra Crispy 0.00
Champion Extra Crispy 0.00
Champion Extra Crispy 0.00
Reserve Testarossa 0.00
Champion Good Time Mac 0.00
Champion Testarossa 0.00
Champion Good Time Mac 0.00
Champion Staccato 0.00
Champion Celtic Charmer 0.00
Champion Celtic Charmer 0.00
Champion Staccato 0.00
Champion Stay Gold 0.00
Champion Wildwych Doon Buggy 0.00
Amateur Adult Equitation
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Tiger Lily Jossie Daniel 0.00
Champion Tiger Lily Jossie Daniel 0.00
Reserve Killy Gordons Giddy Up Tessa Hickey 0.00
Reserve Killy Gordons Giddy Up Tessa Hickey 0.00
Champion Celtic Charmer Kassidy Hallam 0.00
Children's Equitation
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Check Me Out Grace Rutan 0.00
Champion Lemontree Luxury Amina Setouhi 0.00
Reserve Smooth Criminal Gabriella Scott 0.00
Lead Line
  Horse Owner Points
Champion India Bridget Greene 0.00
Champion India Bridget Greene 0.00
Reserve Evans Destiny's Child Clara Walsh 0.00
Reserve Evans Destiny's Child Clara Walsh 0.00
Champion Trendi in Fendi Scarlet Colonna 0.00
Short Stirrup Equitation
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Unknown Horse Avery Pavao 36.00
Champion Wingardium Leviosa Avery Pavao 0.00
Reserve Action Jackson Alta Welborn 0.00
Walk Trot Equitation 10/U ( Hunter)
  Horse Owner Points
Champion This Devil Wears Prada Reagan Sousa 0.00
Champion This Devil Wears Prada Reagan Sousa 0.00
Reserve Miss Mayflower Sophie McCabe 0.00
Reserve Miss Mayflower Sophie McCabe 0.00
Champion Steel Magnolia Lauren Sadka 0.00
Champion Justin Time Eleanore Sadka 0.00
Champion India Riley Venuti 0.00
Champion Killy Gordons Giddy Up Dorothy Neipris 0.00
Champion Carrot Cake Marley Souza 0.00

Class: 1 - Short Stirrup Equitation Flat    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Avery Pavao, Wingardium Leviosa 24.00
2 Alta Welborn, Action Jackson 0.00
3 Sophie Lazaro, Fantastic Mr. Fox 0.00
4 Penelope Burket, Cherish The Moment 0.00

Class: 2 - Short Stirrup Equitation O/F (18)    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Avery Pavao, Wingardium Leviosa 24.00
2 Sophie Lazaro, Fantastic Mr. Fox 0.00
3 Alta Welborn, Action Jackson 0.00
4 Penelope Burket, Cherish The Moment 0.00

Class: 3 - Short Stirrup Equitation O/F (18)    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Alta Welborn, Action Jackson 0.00
2 Avery Pavao, Wingardium Leviosa 21.00
3 Penelope Burket, Cherish The Moment 0.00

Class: 4 - Lead Line Equitation (0)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bridget Greene, India 0.00
2 Clara Walsh, Evans Destiny's Child 0.00
3 Scarlet Colonna, Trendi in Fendi 0.00

Class: 5 - Lead Line Suitability (0)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bridget Greene, India 0.00
2 Clara Walsh, Evans Destiny's Child 0.00
3 Scarlet Colonna, Trendi in Fendi 0.00

Class: 7 - Walk Trot Equitation    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Reagan Sousa, This Devil Wears Prada 0.00
2 Sophie McCabe, Miss Mayflower 0.00
3 Eleanore Sadka, Justin Time 0.00
4 Lauren Sadka, Steel Magnolia 0.00
5 Marley Souza, Carrot Cake 0.00
6 Riley Venuti, India 0.00
7 Dorothy Neipris, Killy Gordons Giddy Up 0.00

Class: 9 - Walk Trot Pleasure    Entries: 7

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 This Devil Wears Prada, Reagan Sousa 0.00
2 India, Riley Venuti 0.00
3 Miss Mayflower, Sophie McCabe 0.00
4 Killy Gordons Giddy Up, Dorothy Neipris 0.00
5 Steel Magnolia, Lauren Sadka 0.00
6 Carrot Cake, Marley Souza 0.00
7 Justin Time, Eleanore Sadka 0.00

Class: 18 - Children's Equitation Flat    Entries: 1

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Amina Setouhi, Lemontree Luxury 24.00

Class: 25 - MHC Mini-Medal (2'6)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Charlotte Marks, Happenstance 10.00
2 Avery Herfert, Isseo 6.00
3 Rose Cairo, Chronos 31 0.00

Class: 39 - MHC Adult Mini-Medal (2'6)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Meredith Caggiano, Jacky Chan 10.00
2 Alicia Bergeron, Leo Lamour 6.00
3 Isabelle Pacella, Benjamin Buttons 4.00

Class: 43 - MHC Adult Junior Medal - combined (2'9)    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Piper Olenn, Lightly Frosted 10.00
2 Geniefer Loring, Sh Redemption 6.00
3 Taylor Goodridge, Guidam Pet 4.00
4 Shelly Condon, Dark Chocolate 3.00

Class: 50 - Short Stirrup Hunter O/F (first round of classic    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Cherish The Moment, Penelope Burket 0.00
2 Action Jackson, Alta Welborn 0.00
3 Wingardium Leviosa, Avery Pavao 0.00

Class: 51 - Short Stirrup Hunter Stake O/F (18)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Wingardium Leviosa, Avery Pavao 0.00
2 Action Jackson, Alta Welborn 0.00
3 Cherish The Moment, Penelope Burket 0.00

Class: 52 - Short Stirrup Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Cherish The Moment, Penelope Burket 0.00
2 Action Jackson, Alta Welborn 0.00
3 Wingardium Leviosa, Avery Pavao 0.00

Class: 53 - Short Stirrup Hunter Classic (18)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Cherish The Moment, Penelope Burket 0.00
2 Wingardium Leviosa, Avery Pavao 0.00
3 Action Jackson, Alta Welborn 0.00

Class: 58 - Pre-Children's Hunter (2')    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Smooth Criminal, Gabriella Scott 0.00
2 Check Me Out, Grace Rutan 0.00
3 Vespa, Emma Wallace 0.00
4 Gryffindor, Lia Miniutti 0.00
5 Challenge Z, Anastasia Staley 0.00

Class: 59 - Pre-Children's Hunter Stake (2')    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Vespa, Emma Wallace 0.00
2 Check Me Out, Grace Rutan 0.00
3 Gryffindor, Lia Miniutti 0.00
4 Smooth Criminal, Gabriella Scott 0.00
5 Challenge Z, Anastasia Staley 0.00

Class: 60 - Pre-Children's Hunter U/S    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Smooth Criminal, Gabriella Scott 0.00
2 Gryffindor, Lia Miniutti 0.00
3 Vespa, Emma Wallace 0.00
4 Challenge Z, Anastasia Staley 0.00
5 Check Me Out, Grace Rutan 0.00

Class: 64 - Children's Hunter Horse/Pony (2'-3')    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Lemontree Luxury, Amina Setouhi 0.00

Class: 65 - Children's Hunter Horse/Pony Stake (2'-3')    Entries: 1

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Dragonfly Nip-N-Tuck, Vivian Baldassari 0.00

Class: 66 - Children's Hunter Horse/Pony U/S    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Dragonfly Nip-N-Tuck, Vivian Baldassari 0.00
2 Lemontree Luxury, Amina Setouhi 0.00

Class: 70 - Pre-Children's Equitation (2')    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Grace Rutan, Check Me Out 0.00
2 Anastasia Staley, Challenge Z 0.00
3 Gabriella Scott, Smooth Criminal 0.00
4 Lia Miniutti, Gryffindor 0.00
5 Emma Wallace, Vespa 0.00

Class: 71 - Pre-Children's Equitation (2')    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Grace Rutan, Check Me Out 0.00
2 Emma Wallace, Vespa 0.00
3 Anastasia Staley, Challenge Z 0.00
4 Gabriella Scott, Smooth Criminal 0.00
5 Lia Miniutti, Gryffindor 0.00

Class: 72 - Pre-Children's Equitation Flat    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Gabriella Scott, Smooth Criminal 0.00
2 Emma Wallace, Vespa 0.00
3 Anastasia Staley, Challenge Z 0.00
4 Grace Rutan, Check Me Out 0.00
5 Lia Miniutti, Gryffindor 0.00

Class: 79 - Modified Adult Hunter O/F (2'6)    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Challenge Z, Jacquelyn Oliveira 0.00
2 Leo Lamour, Alicia Bergeron 0.00
3 Jacky Chan, Meredith Caggiano 0.00

Class: 80 - Modified Adult Hunter Stake O/F (2'6)    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Challenge Z, Jacquelyn Oliveira 0.00
2 Jacky Chan, Meredith Caggiano 0.00

Class: 81 - Modified Adult Hunter U/S    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Challenge Z, Jacquelyn Oliveira 0.00
2 Jacky Chan, Meredith Caggiano 0.00

Class: 108 - Hunter Pleasure    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Testarossa, Skylar Gifford 0.00
2 MTF MANISCHEVITZ, Leah Berg 0.00
3 Extra Crispy, Amy M. Avitabile 0.00
4 Good Time Mac, Courtney Beck 0.00
5 Celtic Charmer, Kassidy Hallam 0.00
6 Staccato, Sonia De Munari 0.00

Class: 114 - English Pleasure Hunt Seat    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 MTF MANISCHEVITZ, Leah Berg 0.00
2 Extra Crispy, Amy M. Avitabile 0.00
3 Testarossa, Skylar Gifford 0.00
4 Celtic Charmer, Kassidy Hallam 0.00
5 Staccato, Sonia De Munari 0.00
6 Wildwych Doon Buggy, Val Stone 0.00
7 Stay Gold, Eleanor Nichols 0.00
8 Good Time Mac, Courtney Beck 0.00

Provided by OrgPro
